Friday, September 7, 2007


Here I am. Thinking about write. One of my soul brother asked. Nevertheless, I already got the feeling that I should write. The time to write has arrived.
Life here is normal. I am a regular english study guy, that had been lived a little bit.
Not to much thing to write guys, not to much. No crazy parts like we used to do; no beautyfull crazy girl trying to kiss me; nobody to talk about my insanity, infact our insanity. I love you all guys. I missing my thought freedom with you.
I have been lived with five girls, but you know, all of who doesn't know about freedom. They live in a jail. So, Max, no crazy poems, no crazy conversation, nothing to share. I have been watched many movies, but on my own; they prefer blockbusters. That's it.
My last meeting with Dimitris was, like silvio used to say, an possibility ocean. He is interesting in my crazy thoughts. I think that we are walking around the affect occursus.
Guys, I have been thinking a lot about our Kombi travel around South America and I will try hard to realised it. So, What you think about? Let's plan it? One year to plan! Let's go! We don't need Kombi, we can go by bicycles, by hiding, with money, without, sharing everything.
It's about affect soul brothers! ON THE ROAD!
It's amazing when I can ready things that all you are writing at blogs. Makes me feel happy, very happy. Makes me closer of all you.
Ok! Fuck you all sonofbitchs!
Let's go to the road
We can ask Sabrina to come with us! We can ask about the affect! Let's the heart show us the way!
Let's rock this world...Let's be free...
see you later


silvio said...

Aê, babaca. Finalmente conseguiu colocar o seu pensamento na escrita! Começou a deixar de escrever sobre o pensamento dos medalhões e a colocar o seu!!!


Cara, vamos fazer esse rolê!

Anonymous said...

Vamos fazer o rolê,vamos fazer opensamento!
Precisamos de bykes,água e, de início, o estado de São paulo. temmtanto lugar nesse país que podemos pedalar!

Rafa said...

Hey Buddy
I`m happy to see that we guys are taking, at least, this important "Affection`s Way".
Perhaps soon we can take our bikes out of the garage. That`s the way I used to do when I was tired of thinking... But there was not that much to do about affections...

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