Tuesday, December 4, 2007

This is gonna blow!

Where is my background? Where is it??It passed running and I could not notice!!!
Disquiet! Odd! That is who I am.
I'm trying to find, trying to find.
I lost some words behind, some words that I could never found.
This gray world is not for me, maybe for somebody.
No meaning.
No time.
Not you.
You are already dead like a stuffed cat!Have you been stuffed alive.
Uncreate. Disinvente.
No meaning poem or to much meaning poem.
No side.
Great life without body.
Stop to eat and start to embody. Stop to live and start live.
All the future lines running fast to empty children, killing youth with easy listening.
Remember: god speech just sustain illusions.
I have been lost from time to time.
See you


silvio said...

beatiful, boy. beautiful.

Rafa said...

é foda, mas deve ser verdade. uma existência que valha para algo deve ter um grande toque de angústia. ela deve ser o grande fertilizante. e mesmo quando se procura uma saída a esta experiência um tanto incômoda, explicita-se o reconhecimento de sua importância.

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